Monday, November 11 is the first day Texas legislators and legislators-elect can file bills for the 89th Texas Legislative Session which begins Jan. 14, 2025. At the Texas Municipal League (TML) Annual Conference & Exhibition Oct. 9-11, City Manager Jason Weeks, members of city council and staff received a sneak preview of potential bills that could impact how Navasota operates and looks. Some of those relate to ‘tiny lots,’ zoning, revisiting the impact of Senate Bill 2038 on extraterritorial jurisdictions (ETJ) and taxpayer funded lobbying.
Read moreThe Navasota High School Class of 1964 gathered for their 60th reunion at Pecan Lakes Grill in Navasota Oct. 19.
Read moreRichards Independent School District Principal, Delynn Decatur, was recognized at the Oct. 17, board meeting for principal’s month.
Read moreNavasota Police Department celebrated Community Helper Week with students at John C. Webb Elementary School and a Bright Beginning Childcare.
Read moreChildren had a spooktacular time at the annual Plantersville Treats on a Dirt Street at Plantersville Town Hall Thursday Oct. 24.
Read moreOver 35% of registered voters in Grimes County have cast their ballot with three early voting days remaining before election day, Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Read moreThe restoration process for the Navasota High School Career and Technology Education Annex is underway. NISD Assistant Superintendent of Operations, Dr. Ronnie Gonzalez, detailed the process at the Oct. 21 board meeting.
Read moreGrimes County Sheriff’s Department released the name of the victim and suspect in a deadly stabbing early Friday morning, Oct. 25, on Hickory Hill Road in the Stoneham area.
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