Old age is kicking in. It happened. I fell headfirst in the front yard. Therefore, if you are my neighbor, please look when you drive by and check if I am down! Thank you.
Read moreSterling was a vibrant town in the Brazos River bottom of Robertson County in the mid-1800s. Today, it is one of the many Texas ghost towns, though Sterling is forever marked by a historic eleven-acre cemetery that is a monument to its past and dedication of its once many steadfast citizens.
Read moreThe Grimes County Mobile Food Bank will be serving county residents Thursday, Aug. 8, from 10 a.m. till noon at the Expo Center in Navasota.
Read moreThe Keith Civic Club monthly meeting was held at the Keith Community Center Thursday, July 25, with a fair number of members and visitors in attendance.
Read moreAs the media keeps reporting on the many shootings across our nation, it makes some people very nervous.
Read moreAUSTIN - After a gunman was arrested in the killing of 20 people and wounding 26 others at a popular shopping venue in El Paso Aug. 3, Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offered thoughts and prayers.
Read moreIt is a very exciting time for our community. Union Grove Baptist Church will be celebrating their 135th Anniversary. You are invited to come join them Sunday, Aug. 4, for this big celebration, beginning at 10:30 a.m. until noon. Lunch will be provided following the service.
Read moreThe Bedias Civic Club will meet at 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1, at the Bedias Civic Center. All area residents are encouraged to attend and participate in all civic club activities.
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