Let me say that a load of rock, bags of cement, a rake, a hoe and lots of sun are one way to slow an old lady down! I sure am glad Jordan spread the rock and Chuck helped me with the rest. My muscles may never be the same.
Read moreStoneham Market Day will be held Saturday, Aug. 8, from 9 a.m. till 3 p.m. at 747 Stoneham Meadows in Navasota. They will have antiques, handmade products and more.
Read moreThere is something to be said for a community, whether it be online via your favorite social media outlet, with your local coffee groups, clubs etc. It makes us feel connected and important. Being a part of a community reminds us there are other people out there.
Read moreArea friends of Patrick Lynn Tennell, age 41 of Bryan, were sorry to learn of his death Sunday, July 19. Private family services were held Saturday, July 24 in the chapel of Trevino-Smith Funeral Home in Bryan with his brother, Rev. Curtis Tennell officiating.
Read moreBougainvillea is a genus consisting of from four to 18 species of thorny vines and shrubs depending on whom you ask. They are South American natives. To see which grow best in southeast Texas see “Growing Bougainvilleas,” one of many bougainvillea articles at Texas A&M University,
Read moreThe annual Trant Family Reunion scheduled for July 18, was canceled due to the coronavirus. This would have been the 125th reunion for the family. The reunion began as a celebration of William Philip Trant’s birthday. He was born July 23, 1852 and is the son of John and Elizabeth Jarvis Trant, who were natives of England and came to America in 1849. Hopefully the family reunion will resume next year.
Read moreIt would not surprise me if Mayor Charlie provides Whitehall with his State of the Community speech soon. Paige sat with him one night and he is really trying to talk. Actually, he was on the phone with me one day and after I chatted to silence for a few seconds, then oh goodness, the babbling began.
Read moreThere is a new foundation in Grimes County, The Grimes County True Blue Foundation. Their goal is to help bridge the gap between the community and local law enforcement to raise funds to buy equipment local law enforcement officer’s need to do a better job, but the department does not provide or cover moneywise.
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