The city of Plantersville held their regular meeting March 8 and discussed the following items: review of real estate, Entergy ordinance to declining rate increase, payment of invoices and items currently due and payable and disaster declaration for the winter storm. They also recognized Chief Michael Briggs and other Plantersville Stoneham VFD for their time and effort spent distributing water for the recent winter storm.
Read moreSunday, Jan. 31 was a special day for Evergreen Baptist Church. On that day Pastor Jeff Morgan was able to return to the pulpit. He was out of commission for several weeks due to coronavirus and pneumonia. It was certainly good to have him back. He delivered the message with no problem. The title of the message was, “why I need to set personal goals.”
Read moreIt is fish time! Come out to the Whitehall Community Center Friday, March 12, and enjoy some good catfish with all the fixings hosted by Salem Lutheran Church. The meals will be ready to go; however, the center will be arranged for inside eating also. The cost is $10 per plate and we would enjoy having you come.
Read moreThe Grimes County Mobile food bank will be open Thursday, Mar. 11 from 10 a.m. till noon. All residents of Grimes County who are eligible are welcome. Proof of residency is required.
Read moreThe Anderson Food Pantry, 367 Fanthorp St. in Anderson will be open Thursday, Mar. 4 from 9 a.m. till noon. All residents of Grimes County may participate. The Grimes County Mobile food bank will be open Thursday, Mar. 11 from 10 a.m. till noon. All residents of Grimes County who are eligible are welcome. Proof of residency is required.
Read moreWell folks it’s certainly good that the snow and ice are finally over. Some said we have not seen such bad weather for 100 years. I hope it will be that long before we see it again. It was nice to see the sun shining Monday, Feb. 22.
Read moreI pray everyone has their lights and water back on, and their pipes fixed from the winter storm. How many Grimes County people remember back in the day when we always had a white Christmas? The snow would last for weeks. I remember like it was yesterday, and it was as beautiful back then as it is now. I pray everyone made it through the winter storm and lost no love ones.
Read moreToday is Saturday and all I want to do is stare at the sunshine. I don’t necessarily want to go anywhere or for that matter, do anything, just look at the beautiful scenery. You can call me lazy and that is perfectly fine.
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