Happy Spring Break to everyone! Please be safe and enjoy your break.
Read moreWe are taking note of the announcement from our Governor’s Office that mask and occupancy restrictions may be loosened or even dropped in our local businesses and other public gatherings. We urge you to use your good judgement and discernment when going out in public and meeting with others outside your immediate households.
Read moreThe state’s unemployment rate dropped to 6.8% in January, down a tick from December’s 6.9% rate but double the record low of 3.4% in May 2019. It is unclear what effect the mid-February winter storm had on employment, when power outages swept the state, and many roads were impassable. We’ll find out next month.
Read moreWow, the First Saturday BBQ Sale was fast and furious but very successful. There were customers at our window at 10 a.m. Luckily, we had some meat ready and could accommodate them. It tickled me that the lady purchased a cap and walked proudly with it on her head, including the tag swishing in the breeze. It truly was a good day and that was because we have so many customers who help to make our day a good one. Thank you!
Read moreWhile Gov. Gregg Abbott has lifted the statewide mandate to wear a mask in public and allowed all businesses to operate at full capacity, many businesses, schools and other entities say they will continue to require that masks be worn. Abbott issued the order last week, effective March 10.
Read moreWe missed sharing our Bedias News column the last couple weeks. Like many others, we were affected by the power outages from the recent ice storms. In our case our computer did not like the sudden power drops and surges.
Read moreWilliam W. Meachum, an early prominent Grimes County settler, is truly a forgotten man. He is not in the all-encompassing Handbook of Texas. There is brief mention of Meachum in the Grimes County Heritage and Progress book. Searching Google turned up nothing about him except for a photo of his small little frame law office on the Portal of Texas website. Today, this small frame office building still stands at the northeast corner across from the Grimes County Courthouse in Anderson nearly a century since Meachum’s death.
Read moreWell folks we had another cold week but thank goodness not as bad as the week that we had snow and ice. That is a week that hopefully will not come again. I am told it was the worst in 100 years. Hope everyone has repaired their broken pipes and taken care of other things that went wrong.
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