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Canteen bingo Tuesday

July 24, 2019 - 11:00
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Whitehall News

The weekend started off frantic, traveling to Austin with Maxine and quartermaster Dry for Veterans of Foreign War state training. The auxiliary training was in one motel, the Post was in a different motel and we stayed at a third motel. I know Maxine and I came back with lots of papers to read, plans to make, and information overload. We had about an hour to get a little rest before the Queen of Hearts game. With the money being rather large, the crowd has gotten bigger which keeps us hopping. Again, there was no winner Saturday.

I gained another teenager Sunday. Bree turned 13 and didn’t hesitate to still acolyte at Trinity Lutheran. Of course, she knew we were all going to celebrate afterward. She met me at the restaurant saying I had to take a picture with her and her 31 balloons. I was confused until I saw the two balloons, No. 1 and No. 3. Unfortunately, I did not get to pose for that photo as the No. 1 blew away outside and that girl was not happy. It was so big we could see it fly, fly away.

Thank you, Melanie Bailey for donating the coat rack to the VFW Museum. It fits perfectly and we have one jacket hanging on it now until we can go through more of the uniforms that were donated.

If you have artifacts from any war you want to share, please let me know. We have a photo wall with mostly 5x7 photos and we would be happy to share a photo of your veteran.

Don’t forget there is Free Canteen Bingo Tuesday beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the VFW Post. On Tuesday, I was impressed with the small children playing and eating the free popcorn!

Just a reminder, there are venues for rent all around the county. Inquiries about the Whitehall Community Center at 936-825-0682. For Roans Prairie Community Center call 936-874-2328. The VFW Post also has rental available. Contact James Hammie at the Post, 936-825-3666.

Calling veterans and family of Veterans of Foreign Wars. Please consider checking the requirements to join the VFW organization. The Post and Auxiliary are small, but we have fun serving our past veterans and those and their families in need now is a worthy cause. Auxiliary members are the voice of our veterans, not an echo.

Please add commander Tony Lambert’s brother in your prayers. The brother was working on a vehicle, possibly a bus and it fell on him. Family members have traveled to Dallas to find out what happened. Tony served 25 years in the Air Force and currently works at the Navasota post office. His wife is a Navasota school teacher.

Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shimshack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Rosa Finke, Leonard Serres, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, John Lawrence, Margaret Finke, pastor Wayne Schumpe, Dianna Hemann Randermann, Garry Wise, Rick Large, Pauline Kasper and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your prayer list.

Birthdays and


July 28– Rachel Simon, Art and Barbara Courville; Aug. 1– Beverly Gerke; Aug. 2– Natalia Villareal. Congratulations to each of you!

Upcoming Calendar


July 25– Social Mixer with Chamber of Commerce at VFW Post.

Aug. 3– WHCVFD barbecue fundraiser, 11 till we sell out at station.

Aug. 3– Texas Pickers, downtown Whitehall, 8 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Aug. 5– WHCVFD business meeting.

Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936.870.5284.