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Funeral held for Harley Stabler

July 19, 2023 - 00:00
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The Evergreen Baptist children who attended camp at Pineywoods certainly had a wonderful time. Around 900 children statewide and 100 from our area attended camp. They returned home July 8. Several children were saved, and several made other decisions. On June 9, around 25 of the children spoke at church during morning service. Rev. Jeff Morgan will baptize around nine of the children later. That will be an extra special service.

Bedias Masonic Lodge No. 651 held their installation of officers July 8. New officers are Worshipful Master Randall Smallwood, Senior Warden James Bracewell, Junior Warden Mike Ellis, Secretary Larry Smith, Treasurer Walter W. Rogers, Senior Deacon Cory Tatum, Junior Deacon Jody Smith, Chaplain Howard Dehart, Marshall Johnnie Brackman, Master of Ceremonies Trent Upchurch, Senior Stewart Chip Green, Junior Stewarts Davis L. Vaughn and Tylor Jerald Ainsworth. Hope they will all have a wonderful year. Following the ceremony, a meal was served.

There was a special funeral service Iola Missionary Baptist Church July 12, for Harley Lee Stabler who died in a motorcycle accident June 29. The service was conducted by Rev. Doug Jones, a friend of the family and former pastor of the church. Harley was the son of Stacey and Sharia Pirtle Stabler. His siblings are James, Taylor, Leah, Emily and Mariah. He was buried in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Anderson. A meal was served at Iola Community Center. Remember his loved ones in your prayers.

I recently learned the home of Chloron and Vivian Mc-Dougald on FM 1696 was torn down. I certainly hate to see it go. They operated a dairy there for many years. She is still living at her home in Iola.

Iola North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No. 458 will have their meeting at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge in North Zulch Monday, July 24. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. with a covered dish meal followed by the business meeting. All Eastern Star members are invited to attend.

Happy birthday this week to: July 16 – Jerry Allan Maxwell, Mitchell Eugene Coneley; July 18 – Robert David Williams, David Ray Moon, Don Holly Creamer; July 20 – Harper Tatum Duke, Justin McKown, Michael Calhoun; July 22 – Thurman Wade House, Morris Williamson, Rev. Randy Bishop. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

Happy anniversary this week to Robert and Mallory Compian Frenzel, married July 18, 2020; Robert and Carol Compian Perez, married July 16. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-3948273.