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Todd Mission explores public water expansion

October 05, 2022 - 00:00
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TODD MISSION – The City of Todd Mission is in-line to receive funding for a mitigation grant from the Brazos Valley Council of Governments (BVCOG). Todd Mission City Manager Neal Wendele stated Texas General Land Office allocated $25,041,000 to the Brazos Valley Region as part of the Regional Mitigation Program. Wendele said Todd Mission could potentially receive $910,100.00 in grant funding. The minimum allocation for any entity according to the program requirements is $500,000.

Grant money is required to be spent 100% on projects that benefit low-and-moderate-income persons within the community. The state preliminary Method of Distribution will be submitted by BVCOG on Oct. 14, for public comment. The public comment period ends Oct. 31.

Flood Insurance

Also, during the Sept. 22 meeting, council passed a flood control ordinance to join the National Flood Insurance Program. Wendele explained that council passed a NFIP ordinance a while back, but Texas Water Development Board said the ordinance that was previously passed was meant for coastal communities who have to worry about storm surges. Wendele also stated that this ordinance is better suited for Todd Mission.

Water System Consulting

Council approved a contract to hire Bleyl Engineering for water system consulting. Bleyl Engineering is the engineer for Dobbin-Plantersville and operates their water system. “I think they would be the best fit to work with our water system that would basically tie into their system,” explained Wendele. “This is a consultation contract. With anything we need, we can give them a call – both with tying into the Renaissance Festival and meeting their future water needs and helping to plan some of our grant funding to put together a plan that saves us money in the long run.” Todd Mission plans to expand public water availability within the town. He said Bleyl will help generate a plan and can also assist with finding grant funding for the project.

Road Repairs

Repairs to Farm-to-Market Road 1774 are anticipated to begin soon. The roadwork was originally completed last year, but there are problems with the asphalt.

TxDOT believes the base work is sound, but the asphalt mix was too dry allowing voids and pockets to form, leading to flex and failure. The resurfacing project is anticipated to take 4-6 weeks and will begin south of County Road 302 to the county line. Work is expected to begin once new asphalt is complete from CR 302 north to Texas State Highway 249.

The repairs were originally supposed to be completed over the summer, so it wouldn’t impact Texas Renaissance Festival traffic. To ease traffic concerns, the plan is to have crews work on only one lane at a time and only Tuesdays through Thursdays.

Other Action

• Approved funding for a new pump and water tank system for the Todd Mission Volunteer Fire Department in the amount of $9,800.

• Approved a resolution allowing Todd Mission Police Department to submit a grant application for bullet resistant shields. Todd Mission Police Chief Ryan Rutledge stated the shields are portable enough that they can be placed in patrol units. They are light enough to carry with one arm and have the durability to withstand high-power rifle rounds. If approved, the department will be able to purchase four shields.


• Wendele stated the city contractor is currently working on rehabilitating four roads: Largent, Denise, Chestnut and part of Greenway Drive.

The next council meeting is scheduled Oct. 13, at 2 p.m. For more information visit,