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VA to implement suicide prevention hotline

December 25, 2019 - 00:00
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    Carl Dry

    Veterans Talk

    As we close out the year 2019, let me take a moment to say, “Merry Christmas” and a wonderful, prosperous, New Year to all of you. Twenty nineteen was a great year for me, personally, as I, and Grimes County Veterans of Foreign War Post 4006 was awarded “All State Post” by the State Commander and “All American Post” for 2018 – 2019, by the National Commander for our work with the VFW and our community.

    Now the Post has new leadership in the name of Tony Lambert and I know the membership and community will help him in his quest to continue to improve the Post Home and its’ relationship with Grimes County and the city of Navasota. The Post and Commander Lambert are making plans to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the awarding of the Posts’ Charter. Seventy-five years will be attained on Jan. 7, but the celebration activities will be Jan. 11, 2020. Commander Lambert wishes to express his appreciation to everybody for their support of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 4006.

    Now here is a bit of news for veterans and their families. The Department of Veterans’ Affairs Office of Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and the Veterans Crisis Line announced their support for the 988-expansion initiative which addresses the need for ease of access and clarity in times of crisis, both for Veterans and non-Veterans alike.

    By providing this universal, unique 3-digit dialing code, it gives the VA an opportunity to work in greater collaboration with the suicide prevention community and it opens the door to engage new individuals in life-saving care. For now, the Veterans Crisis Line remains available 24/7 by calling 1-800-273-8255 and press one for help. Hopefully the 988 number will be activated soon. As an update, the Federal Communications Commission has been approved to move ahead with this program. Once 988 is working, calls to 988 will be routed to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.

    The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it has submitted to Congress a waiver request and pilot program to improve access to dental care for Veterans. The MISSION Act authorizes VA to submit statutory waivers to Congress for the purpose of testing innovative service delivery models to improve the quality of care for America’s Veterans. Under existing statute, VA has limited authority to provide dental services for Veterans.

    With this waiver request, VA is submitting a proposal to increase access to dental services for enrolled Veterans ineligible for dental services through VA by connecting them with community based, pro bono or discounted dental service providers. Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Robert L. Wilkie said, “the MISSION Act gives Veterans a real choice over their healthcare decisions, and through this pilot proposal, we want to ensure Veterans have access to quality dental care through a network of providers who are proud to serve America’s heroes.”

    As a final note, I am happy to report that Congress finally reached an agreement to fund the federal government for fiscal year 2020. H.R. 1865 provides $91.9 billion in discretionary funding for VA. It would provide $153.6 million for VA for implementation of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019 and increase VA medical care funding to implement the VA MISSION Act of 2018, along with other benefits.

    At this point, let me say that I hope some of what I put in print is of some help to veterans and their families. Until next year, may God bless Texas and the USA!

    Carl Dry is a Korean War veteran, a former Grimes County Veterans Service Officer and the current VFW Post 4006 Commander.