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Navasota ISD’s athletic facilities update

October 16, 2019 - 00:00
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    Superintendent's Update

    Superintendent’s Update

    Along with all of the other exciting and wonderful things that go on throughout Navasota ISD on a daily basis, this past Wednesday was especially exciting and positive. Wednesday, about $4.335 million was received through our Maintenance Tax Note loan that was approved in order to address upgrades and renovations to several athletic facilities throughout the district. Although the Maintenance Tax Note (MTN) has the word “tax” in the title, it does NOT increase taxes or change taxes to the residents of Navasota ISD. That would require a vote from the residents such as a bond election or a tax ratification election, that is NOT what this MTN is. It is simply a 10 year, low-interest loan that Navasota ISD qualifies for with a low interest rate of about 2.12% including all fees. As you know, other than the construction of new locker rooms for our boys and girls soccer programs at the rock gym next to Brule Field, and some drainage correction projects, there were no athletic facilities included in our BOND 2017 projects. We wanted to make sure that we were addressing the needs of our academic campuses and facilities throughout the district first in order to address the many needs that we had in those areas. However, we still have athletic facilities that need addressing immediately as we develop our short term and long-term maintenance plan needs and goals moving forward. Those areas include:

    1. Tennis Courts

    2. Rattler Gym Floor

    3. Track

    4. Softball & Baseball Lights

    5. Additional Bleachers for Softball & Baseball

    6. Upgrades to the Restrooms for Softball, Baseball, & Tennis

    7. Repairing the Elevator at Rattler Stadium

    8. Replacing the Video Scoreboard & Sound System at Rattler Stadium

    9. Resurfacing the Auxiliary Gym Floors at the High School & Jr. High

    10. Installing Artificial Turf for Softball & Baseball

    11. Replacing the Turf at Rattler Stadium There will be more updates to come as we get closer to beginning these projects next Summer. It is a great time to be a Rattler!!! We are ALL IN this TOGETHER!!! GO RATTLERS!!

    Dr. Stu Musick is the Superintendent of Schools for Navasota Independent School District.