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Local cemetery receives TLC

April 04, 2019 - 03:00
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    Keith News

    Keith News

    The College Station Monument L.L.C. Company was in the community recently and did quite a bit of work on tombstones in the Martins Prairie Cemetery. One old tombstone was broken and other tombstones were releveled.

    The broken monument was well more than 100-years and was that of Alice Myers, daughter of J.F. and Nancy Ann Lamb Myers. Her father is buried beside her.

    The monuments that were leveled were of Early R. and Willie H. Coneley, E.R. Coneley Jr., Frank Donald Coneley, Vancil Coneley, J.M. Coneley, C.L. Coneley, Thomas Caldwell Davis, Kenneth A. and Virginia Davis Raack, Plummer L. and Anna Vaughn Jarvis, Jesse M. and Clara J. Jarvis, John Dorwin and Gail Beene Ransom, C.E. and Jane Trant Davis, the Rev. Harley J. and Winnie M. Keith, John Howell Keith (son of R.L. and Annie), William M. Lyons (Confederate soldier), Robert L. and Doris Lindley Coborn, David Pinkey Cook and Oran W. and Opal I. Cook. They all really look good and I understand that more are to be taken care of as well.

    •The Iola Volunteer Fire Department’s annual fundraiser is almost here. It will be held Saturday, April 13, at the fire department in Iola. The meal will begin at 11 a.m. and instead of a barbecue meal, as has been done in the past, there will be a meal of fried fish will all of the trimmings. Do hope that everyone will show up and make the event a success. Remember that they are always available when you need help. Do make it possible for them to assist you.

    •Gloria Gamble and her son, Bill Gamble Jr., were in the community Friday, March 22, to attend the funeral of Jule Marie Pecoraro. It was certainly good to see both of them.

    •There will be a gospel singing Saturday, April 13, at the Carlos Missionary Baptist Church. The singing will begin at 6 p.m. Following the singing, there will be a time of fellowship over a covered dish meal. If you enjoy good singing, do make plans to attend. All are welcome.

    •There will be an Easter egg hunt Sunday, April 14, at the Evergreen Baptist Church. There will be a meal served following the morning worship service and prior to the egg hunt. All community and area kids are invited to attend all of the day’s events. The morning worship service will be at 11 a.m.

    •Happy birthday this week to the following: Rebecca Halley, Bailey Espinoza and Matthew Parra, March 31; Cale Creamer, April 1; Joshua Crenshaw, Travis Duke and Melissa Perez, April 2; Justin Timm, Gracie Mae Lee and Cody D. Jones, April 4; Crystal Goza Wall, April 5; and John Pinckney Hicks Jr. Do hope that your special day was a happy one.

    •Happy anniversary this week to the following: Justin and Chantel Lavender Tippy, married March 31, 2001; Barney and Zelma Carry, married April 2; Brannon and Sierra Lynn Wilson Crawford, married April 4, 2014; the Rev. Faron W. and Abigail Cura Thebeau, married April 6, 2013; Shane and Casie Hardy Drackenberg, married April 6, 2013; and Tyler and Briana Templeton McCullough, married April 6, 2013. Do join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

    If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.