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City begins 2024 with signage, price changes

January 10, 2024 - 00:00
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    Council members chose Option 2 of two options presented for highway directional signage throughout Navasota. The original signage approved by city council did not meet TxDOT specifications.

    The Navasota City Council kicked off the new year approving revisions to Phase I Wayfinding & Downtown Signage Project highway directional signs. The vote taken Jan. 8 will reduce the cost of that portion of the project by nearly 50%.

    Assistant City Manager Kristin Gauthier said, “What had been previously approved, unfortunately, did not meet TxDOT standards so we worked with National Signs and TxDOT to come up with two options that do meet their standards and have been approved. We’d like to get your feedback on which design you would like before we move forward with the project.”

    According to Gauthier, TxDOT limits the number of destinations per sign to three and requires a specific sign shape, arrow shape, font, sheeting, sign support and color options. While the eight signs in question are “significantly different” from those originally proposed, Gauthier called them a “good asset” for directing visitors. The simplification of the design and materials reduces the cost of the eight signs from $82,609 to $40,000.

    City staff will work with National Signs to determine the destinations to be listed on the signs and get them installed as soon as possible.

    Grant sought for infrastructure assessment

    Council approved Resolution No. 755-24 authorizing the city to submit an application to the Texas General Land Office’s Resilient Communities Grant Program and named the mayor and city manager as authorized representatives.

    Chief Financial Officer, Maribel Frank said, “Last year on the scoring for this particular grant, we didn’t score very high; however, we were given the opportunity to reapply for funding.”

    On Jan. 23, 2023, city council approved hiring Public Management as grant administrators to begin the planning process to utilize funds from the Community Development Block Grant — Mitigation Program for the Comprehensive Plan and Subdivision Zoning Ordinance. Staff then completed the Texas Resilience Evaluation & Assessment Tool, receiving an overall score of 3.1 and recommendations for updating the building codes and general areas of the comprehensive plan.

    The maximum $300,000 per applicant is awarded on a first-come, first served basis. At least 50% of funding received must address mitigation needs in distressed areas as identified by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

    Council seats up for grabs

    City Secretary Susie Homeyer announced that city council positions 1, 2 and 3 held by Bernie Gessner, Pattie Pederson and Josh Fultz, respectively, are up for election May 4, 2024. The filing period is Jan. 17 through Feb. 16. Applications are available online and at city hall.

    Navasota voters will also vote on proposed revisions to the city charter, the first such changes since 2007.

    View council meetings at

    Other council action:

    • Approved first reading of Ordinance No. 1038-24, authorizing participation with Entergy Service Area Cities in matters concerning Entergy Texas, Inc. at the Public Utilities Commission.
    • Approved Consent Agenda which included the second reading of Ordinance No. 1037-22 related to amending the water budget fund in the amount not to exceed $112,500 and the city council minutes and Municipal Court reports for December 2023.

    Executive Session action:

    • Took no action related to the variance granted to M&P Adventures, LLC, for an erected off-premises outdoor advertising sign at 9530 Highway 6.
    • Authorized the mayor to approve revisions to the city manager’s employment agreement as discussed in executive session as well as execute necessary documentation related to the employment contract.
    • Took no action related to the employment agreement with legal counsel.

    Staff report:

    • Graduate Engineer John Mackay provided project updates related to (1) the Pecan Lakes gas loop project reporting the gas line has been installed along Fairway Drive, work is pending on Pecan Lakes Drive and the gas line will soon be run to the industrial area, (2) permit requests for the eastside water tower and water well have been submitted to the state and (3) the CIP street project continues with utility work commencing on Brosig and Moore streets.

    Boards & commissions: Mayor Bert Miller reported Planning & Zoning recently approved a replat on Oakwood Street allowing construction of two single-family residences.

    Public comments: Navasota Grimes County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Lucy Ybarra announced upcoming Navasota-related chamber activities which include the Jan. 10 State of the City Address, the Jan. 17 Red Cross Blood Drive at the First Methodist Church and the Feb. 14 Coffee With the Chamber at the Workforce Solutions Office.