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Bedias Civic Club fundraiser March 30

March 21, 2019 - 10:00
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Bedias News

The Bedias Civic Club will hold a fundraiser from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, March 30. Our event will feature a spaghetti dinner and silent auction to help raise funds to make needed improvements on the civic center building and facilities. Please contact Gwen Boullion at 979-575-0267 or Karyn Upchurch at 979-324-8429, for more information. Want to know more about Bedias Civic Club happenings? Please go to

•Did you get a chance to stop by the Bedias Civic Center last Saturday for the Jackson family fundraiser? If not and you still want to help, please call Mechelle at 936-348-4438, to learn how you and your family can be of assistance.

•The Bedias Women’s Club will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday, March 28, at the Bedias Civic Center. All area women are encouraged to attend and participate in all women’s club activities.

•Thank you to everyone, who has joined us for our Second Sunday Christian Movie Nights at Pastor Henry Sanders’ church, Faith Outreach Christian Center in Navasota. Please plan to join us again Sunday evening, April 14, for our showing of “Risen.” Everyone is invited and encouraged to join us for each of our wonderful Christian movie nights in our new home. You can find more information about Faith Outreach at Please go to Festival or, for more information on our programs.

•Want to know more about our wonderful Bedias Museum and Library programs? Please go to Be sure to pay us a visit soon, and please consider becoming a library volunteer.

•Bedias is a wonderful community in which to live and share the joys of living in a small town. Please share your thoughts on how to improve this column and expand our community news coverage. Please visit, for updates and to offer your feedback, or drop us a note at

•Happy birthday to Joe Gray, Mackie Bobo-White, Jackie Jones, Sandy Park, Rebecca Brown, Darrell Want, Gregory Casebolt and Martha Reider.

•Happy anniversary to Robert and Wanda Blystone. Congratulations to everyone else celebrating personal and family occasions. Drop us a note if you want to add someone to our birthday, anniversary or concerns list.

•Please take care when driving near schools and road construction and repair areas. Please uphold our brave law enforcement officers, volunteer firefighters and other first responders. Also, please remember MayDell Younts, Gene Stapleton, Philip Upchurch, Gerrie Eiring, Richard Taylor, Nicki Thomson, Lew Gears, George Newton, Aidan Fedor and Betty Darby in your hearts and prayers.

Do you have a community or church event you would like included in our weekly column? We would love to share your news with our readers. Send news to , and please follow us on Facebook .