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Winning, not for the weak

November 06, 2019 - 10:00
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Superintendent’s Update

As a former Head Baseball Coach, I remember saying this phrase often in many of our pregame pep talks, “Winning is a lot of fun. Now go out there and have a blast tonight!”

At Navasota ISD, we love to win. In fact, there is a culture of winning here. And as any coach, principal or superintendent will tell you, when you’re winning, things just seem to go a whole lot smoother.

Expecting to win can be a good thing, but it can also be a bad thing.

It’s a good thing if you learn how to work hard and push yourself to get better every single day. It’s a good thing if you continue to work hard and put the time and effort in to do what it takes to continue winning. It’s also a good thing to expect to win every time you compete, perform or even take a test.

However, it’s a bad thing if you expect to win every time you compete or perform, and you begin to take that for granted. It’s a bad thing if you forget how you got there by working hard and putting that time and effort in. It’s a bad thing if you think that all you have to do is just show up and expect to win. Winning is not easy. And neither is being a winner, if it was easy, everybody would do it.

There is another phrase that I would use in our pregame speech to our players. I got this from one of the greatest college baseball coaches of all time, coach Skip Bertman, from LSU. “Tonight, you represent your school, your family, your community and your Maker! Make sure you always do that with pride and with class!”

In all that we do, both on and off the field, in and out of the classroom, we represent Navasota ISD and we represent the community of Navasota. We represent something and someone so much bigger than ourselves and we should always do that with pride and with class!

Winning is fun! I hope we all have a blast Friday tonight! And I hope we continue to have a blast every single day here at Navasota ISD!

#WeAreNavasota and we are ALL IN this TOGETHER!!! GO RATTLERS!!!

Dr. Stu Musick is the Superintendent of schools for Navasota Independent School District.