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PWGC providing ballot clarification for November elections

October 09, 2019 - 00:00
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On the second Saturday of every month the Progressive Women of Grimes County (PWGC) convenes to informally deliberate public policies of local importance and identify actions to address the community’s most pressing challenges.

The September Coffee Chat featured guest speaker, attorney Sylvia Cedillo, who led a lively group discussion encompassing advancing public policy aspirations through community organizing with specific focus on economics, opportunity, justice, education, health care and security. Launched in 1995, Ms. Cedillo’s career in public service has specialized in gender violence including statewide campaigns centralizing upon sexual harassment and anti-bullying. In 2000 she founded the P.E.A.C.E. project (Prevention, Education, Awareness, Courage and Elimination) to Prairie View A&M University which she continues to direct.

The election date for Texans to vote on proposed constitutional amendments passed by the Texas Legislature is nearing Nov. 5. Of great importance to the PWGC and its attendees, 10 propositions will be the focus of the upcoming meeting Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. Mark your calendar for this special meeting that will replace the regular October Saturday date.

The complexity of each proposition’s wording can bewilder and intimidate those of not proficient in legalese. PWGC plans to simplify the propositions, offering clarity so that one can feel confident in their vote. Midterm elections often encounter low voter turnout, however, there exists issues on the ballot of special interest to the citizens of Grimes County, including state income tax, disaster relief, and the creation of a flood infrastructure fund for flood control projects

Progressive Women of Grimes County is an organization founded to bolster women’s active role improving the community through collaboration and to elevate their voices in local, state and national issues. You may request information about events, such as the upcoming holiday event, by emailing