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Plantersville, Anderson to hold May 4 elections

March 20, 2019 - 00:00
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While the majority of the local entities will be canceling the May 4 General Elections, due to a prevalence of uncontested races, the town of Anderson and city of Plantersville have a full ballot.


With the announced retirement of long-time Anderson Mayor Gail Sowell at the end of her term, there are three candidates who have opted to run for the position of mayor – Karen McDuffie, Linda E. Williams and Mandi Alford. In addition, Kason Menges, Bessie Calhoun White and incumbent Harold James Minor will be competing for aldermen positions.


As the city of Planters-ville is still operating under the initial one-year term after incorporation, all five aldermen positions are up for re-election, as is the mayor position. Incumbent Mayor Karen Hale is running uncontested, but seven candidates have placed their name on the ballot for alderman, including incumbents Kimberly Allphin, Marilyn Bettes, Clay Godfrey, Otis Greenwood and Kristina Keyser-Mayton and challengers John A. Greenwood IV and Frank Dean.

Anderson-Shiro CISD

After the filing deadline for the ASCISD Board of Trustees election, only one of three positions expiring May 2019 is contested. Incumbent Hope Bay Moriarty will face challenger Joseph Phillips for Position

7. Position 6 and Position 3 are uncontested and will continue to be filled by incumbents Kevin Smith and Cody Davis, respectively.

Other entities

The city of Iola had three aldermen positions open for the May 4 election, however incumbents Sierra Betancourt, Samantha Echols and Mark Hopper are running uncontested and Iola has cancelled the election.

The city of Navasota, the city of Bedias and the Iola Independent School District have also canceled elections for May 4, due to the absence of contested races.

Voting information

The last day to register to vote in the May 4 General Election for city and schools is Thursday, April 4. Early voting will be held 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday, April 22, and Monday, April 29; from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, through Friday, April 26; and from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 30.Early voting will be conducted at Anderson-Shiro Consolidated Independent School District’s elementary campus, 458 FM 149 West in Anderson. For more information on local elections, go to