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Oakland Cemetery Cleanup in early November
The City of Navasota Parks and Facilities Maintenance Department will be conducting a cemetery cleanup at Oakland Cemetery beginning the first week of November. Anyone with items that do not meet the cemetery city ordinance must be removed by Tuesday, Oct. 31.
During the cleanup items that will be removed include wind chimes, toys, Sheppard’s hooks, hanging baskets, balloons, ceramic figurines and trinkets, freestanding statues, benches, borders, plantings such as shrubs and trees.
Anyone looking to keep the items that they have placed at their family graves will need to pick these items up prior to Oct. 31. After that date the items will be removed and discarded.
City staff will continue to administer the cemetery per guidelines set forth by City Council in accordance with the city ordinance which states, “The placing of one potted plant, basket, floral piece, decoration, or other objects of a temporary nature, not exceeding 6 inches in diameter and 24 inches in height, may be placed within 6 inches in front of marker, headstone, or monument only.”
Staff will remove all flowers, potted plants, wreaths, baskets, floral pieces, funeral designs, decorations, and all other objects of a temporary nature when they become withered, unsightly or an obstruction to maintenance.
Regular cleanups of the cemetery are necessary to not only promote pride in Oakland Cemetery and its historic gravesites, but to also help minimize the cost of maintaining the cemetery grounds.
For further information call Navasota Executive Assistant Michelle Savensky, 936-825-6475 or email, ssavensky@navasotatx.gov.