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Miller, Holt sworn in for another term

May 12, 2021 - 00:00
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    Examiner photos by Connie Clements: Municipal Court Judge Pat Gruner administered the oath of office to Mayor Bert Miller and Mayor Pro Tem Grant Holt upon their reelection to office in the May 1 City Election.

At the Monday, May 10, Navasota city council, council members approved the canvass of votes for the May 1 City Election. Mayor Bert Miller, unopposed, was declared reelected and Grant Holt was reelected with 84.58% of the vote in a contested race. After administration of the oath of office by Municipal Court Judge Pat Gruner, Miller and Holt were elected by their fellow council members to continue as Mayor and Mayor Pro Tem, respectively.

Library camp fee approved

The first reading of Ordinance 962-21, amending the Navasota Public Library fee schedule to allow a $20 per child fee for summer camp programs and to sell farmers market promotional bags was approved.

Head Librarian Tiffany Sammon said the library will host two Art Summer Camps, June 21-25 and July 26-30, and a Nature Camp July 12-16. Camps will last two hours per day, Monday-Friday. The fee will be applied to the cost of supplies and snacks.

The request to sell farmers market bags for $5 per bag was amended to allow staff discretion for flexibility. At that time, councilman Holt offered to donate the bags in memory of his late wife, JoAnn.

RR Street change order approved

Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $4,208 for the Railroad Street 2016 Flood CDBG-Disaster Recovery Grant was approved, bringing the revised contract amount to $1,803,261. The original contract price was $1,799,053.

City Manager Brad Stafford said, “We have a couple of water mains that were discovered during the excavation that need to be replaced, at least underneath the pavers that cross Railroad Street.”

Some brick work was also added to the Change Order.

Bike, ped plan pending public meeting

Economic Development Specialist Rayna Willenbrink announced a public meeting will be held in council chambers Tuesday, May 18, at 5:30 p.m., to receive information about the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and the Transportation Alternatives Program.

She said, “That will be an opportunity for anybody in the public to come give input on the planning when it comes to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan along with the grant application for the Transportation Alternatives Program that I discussed in the past. None of those have been submitted yet. None of the grant applications have been submitted. We want to receive public feedback first before we proceed with that.”

To join the meeting virtually, click on the link at https://us02web.zoom. us/j/7097702250.

Other council action: •Approved canvass of May 1 City Election returns reported by City Secretary Susie Homeyer. Bert Miller ran unopposed and was declared reelected. Grant Holt was reelected with 84.58% of the vote in a contested race.

•Received a presentation of the Capstone Project from the Bush School regarding Capital Improvements over the past 15 years.

•Received a presentation by photographer Tim Gregg about his book “Celebrating Navasota.”

•Appointed Rebecca Cole to the Parks and Recreation Board.

•Approved Resolution 690-12 expressing opposition to Senate Bill 10 which will restrict the ability of local governments to advocate for their communities. See related article on page 1.

•Approved Consent Agenda items which included minutes and expenses April 2021.

•After meeting in Executive Session per Section 551.087 per the Texas Government Code, council tabled action on a proposed Development Agreement with J&H Navasota Development, LLC until the drainage issue referenced in public comments is resolved.

Reports from City staff or City officials:

•Received an update on the Capital Improvement Project from project engineer John Henry on efforts to resolve utility line issues before construction begins.

•Introduction of the newest Artists in Residence Arianne Boley and Jacob Jemison.

•Recognized staff for years of service: James Simon, III, five years; Michael Mize, Jr., 15 years; Shawn Myatt, 15 years; Brad Stafford, 15 years.

•Lt. Mike Mize announced First Responders Day will be in front of City Hall Saturday, May 15, 10, a.m. – noon.

•Mayor Bert Miller read a Peace Officer Proclamation in recognition of National Police Week, May 9-15.

•Councilman Josh Fultz reported the Board of Adjustments met May 5 and approved a setback request.

Public comments:

•One resident expressed concerns about the deterioration of the municipal swimming pool and the impact on Navasota children and the Navasota Mudcats Swim Team.

•A resident whose property abuts Pecan Lakes Estates advised council of standing water and drainage issues on their property resulting from subdivision construction. Another citizen spoke about how other neighboring properties are being impacted.