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Library board discusses equipment needs

April 24, 2019 - 00:00
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A Regular Meeting of the Navasota Public Library Advisory Board was held Thursday, April 18, and the primary topic of discussion was the cost of refurbishing or replacing the library’s microfilm machine. Advisory board chairman Jo Crawford presented quotes on the cost to refurbish or replace the library’s microfilm reader that has been in use since 2006. Complaints about the machine voiced at the January board meeting included difficulties with focusing articles for printing, waste of paper in attempting to print readable copies and the fact the machine gets hot and smells.

According to Crawford, Western Micrographics in Houston can refurbish the existing reader for $1,500. Other options included an upgrade to a newer model for $5,900 or purchasing a new Minolta reader for $9,998.

Crawford also contacted ST Imaging whose ViewScan products are used by the Carnegie Library in Bryan. Discussed was the option to purchase a ViewScan demo for $6,000-$7,000 or a new one for $12,000. While compact and easy to use, new readers offer many capabilities, some that library staff may choose not to enable.

Head librarian Gloria May expressed concerns about the cost factor and impact on the budget for book purchases.

Board members decided to table the discussion to allow city information technology staff to examine the demo as well as investigate other funding sources.

New bike rack, bench

The bicycle rack and outdoor bench ordered by the city of Navasota have been delivered but permanent locations have not been determined. Placing the bench in the shade for user comfort as well as away from the front door to avoid patron interaction with second hand smoke were considerations.

City council liaison Geoff Horn suggested consideration of a “paver path” leading to the bench with some landscaping that local gardeners might help with.

A permanent pad for the bike rack was discussed but construction of a concrete pad will delay installation if the rack can’t be anchored in an existing concrete surface such as the sidewalk.

The board agreed to work with May to select temporary locations for a trial period and advise city staff when to make them permanent.

Librarian’s update

In a report distributed to the board, May said 88 new library cards were issued during the first quarter of 2019. Computer usage nearly tripled from the 2018 fourth quarter figure of 245 to 639 during the first quarter of 2019. Twenty-three citizens and National Honor Society members provided 169 volunteer hours with an additional 22.5 hours through community service.

In addition to attending training, May organized the Tent Book Sale that brought in $245 for the Summer Reading Program and prepared a display on U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

The Navasota Library was utilized as an application drop-off for Texas General Land Applications, by S.A.R.C. for Sexual Abuse Awareness Month and by a Girl Scout learning how to process books as part of her Silver Award.

Ongoing events include Family Lego Time, first Monday of each month; Book Club, third Wednesday; Pre-School Story and Craft Time, fourth Thursday and Family Puzzle Time, the third or fourth Mondays.

Additional February and March activities included Valentine Story and Craft time and D.A.R.E. presented by SARC.

Upcoming events include a Headstart Reading Program and the commencement of the Summer Reading Program in June.

Madeley funds

still a question

The board urged city of Navasota Finance Director Lance Hall to continue to research the status of approximately $15,000 earmarked for the library that may be part of the Madeley Memorial Trust.

According to Hall, records related to the original transaction are in storage and date back to pre-computer days and the tenure of Geraldine Binford, financial director from 1997 till 2007 and who has since died.

While the funds are understood to be for library use, the board’s concern is how they may be used if they were gifted from a trust rather than a donation, were they designated for a specific use rather than general library needs. Board member Brent Ca-hill volunteered to research the trust through the county clerk’s office.

Other library needs

The board discussed the need for shelving for the Archives Room as well as two tables and chairs for the children’s area. Crawford will contact Navasota ISD about the availability of excess school furniture.

The board also agreed a policy is needed for use of the Archives Room. Board member Martha Green will research policies used by other libraries and report back to the board.

Present for all or part of the meeting were board chairman Crawford, Brent Cahill, Margaret Eppler, Martha Green and David Tullos. Absent were Boyce Ann Miller and Barbara White. City staff present included May, Hall and city council liaison Horn.