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Houston man caught with underage girls

June 08, 2022 - 00:00
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COLLEGE STATION - A Houston-area man, 27-year-old Allen Michael Lee, of Webster, was arrested Saturday, June 4, after admitting to having sex with two underage girls at a College Station Motel on Texas Avenue.

In the police report, two girls, age 15 and 12, were reported missing from a Grimes County residential treatment center for survivors of sexual abuse, sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.

With help from an employee at the facility, the girls were tracked to the motel in College Station where they were found along with the suspect.

The arrest report states Lee told police he met the 15-year-old two years ago on a dating app and said at the time she lied about her age. Lee said after learning her real age, he ceased communications until she recently reached out and told him she was pregnant, and he was the father.

When he learned this, Lee told police he picked up the 15-year old, along with the 12-year-old. They traveled to College Station where he had sexual intercourse with the underage girls multiple times.

He was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual assault of a child and one count of aggravated sexual assault of a child. He remains in the Brazos County Jail on bonds totaling $400,000.