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GCRW convention
Members of the Grimes County Republican Women display their “Campaign Activities Award” in the Small Republican Club category received for the number of hours volunteered in the last two years. The presentation was made at the 32nd Biennial Convention of the Texas Federation of Republic Women at Moody Gardens in Galveston Oct. 3-5. GCRW volunteer activities included distribution of pocket Constitutions to fifth-graders on Constitution Day, hosting candidates’ forums, participation in campaign training schools, block walking, phone banking, preparing handouts, registering voters and supporting Republican candidates and legislators. Pictured (L-R): Secretary Connie Clements, Vice President and TFRW Region IV Deputy President Sherry Fauth, President Teddi Jackson, GCRP Chairman Susan Patrick, Legislative Update Chairman Marilyn Bettes, Treasurer Dianna Westmoreland and Immediate Past President Karen Hale.