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Going fishing

April 17, 2019 - 00:00
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Richards News

As I sat on my porch and looked out across the pasture through the scattered wildflowers and bluebonnets just above the pond, I pondered many memories. I often think I just ought to grab my fishing pole and go fishing! You know these lazy days of spring - the ones where the sun is shining beautiful and the air is just perfect.

My mind goes down memory lane back to when my brother and I would take our cane poles to this very pond and we would catch fish after fish and throw them back because they were just too little. We would catch grass hoppers or dig up worms for bait; the fun was in catching them. This was many, many years ago now. I need to try my luck again!

We used to have a canoe, but it’s still fun to fish from the banks. Perhaps I’ll hike to the back of the pasture and try my luck in the creek! Actually, instead of hiking, I’d probably just jump on the mule!

•For those of you who use boats for fishing or recreation, I have some news that may be of interest to you. I was contacted by Mary Ann Waters at the Grimes County Tax Assessors-Collector’s Office in Anderson. She notified me that the office is now accepting boat and motor transactions as of April 15. Anyone can come into the Grimes County Office in Anderson and renew their registration on their boat or transfer ownership.

The office is located at 114 West Buffington in Anderson. For more information, mail to P.O. Box 455, Anderson Texas, 77839 or call 936-873-4465.

•There is an opportunity for a summer volleyball league for grades 6-12. There will be four games and one tournament. The games are May 28, June 4, June 11, June 18 and June 22 in Madisonville. The league is $90 per person and a team needs to have at least nine players. Girls who are interested in playing need to contact Miss Thomas at the Richards School ASAP. There is a registration form to fill out and registration closes May 1. Thomas plans to send in the requests next Friday due to limited availability.

•The First Baptist Church of Richards welcomes you to their Bible study at 8 p.m. each Wednesday night. The First Baptist Church pastor is Pastor L.L. Dunbar and elder Joe Thomas Jr. will be will be teaching the Bible study. For additional information, call 936-851-2548 or 936-851-2842.

•I invite you to Easter Sunday services that are being held in all of the churches in and around the Richards area. A Good Friday Service and Easter egg hunt will be held by Richards Methodist Church beginning at 11 a.m. Friday, April 19, at Bays Chapel. A pizza party will follow. Richards Methodist Church will hold a sunrise service for Easter beginning at 7 a.m. Sunday, April 21, at Bill Thomas’ ranch. A traditional Easter service will be held at the church at 10:15. Everyone is welcome.

A Good Friday Easter Musical will be held at 7 p.m. at Union Grove Baptist Church. There will be a Saturday Easter egg hunt at 10 a.m. and the regular Sunday Easter service will be held April 21.

•Bays Chapel Cemetery Association’s yearly business meeting will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday, April 27.

•Richards baseball is in full swing, be sure to check the school website for their schedule.

•Continue to pray for Darlene Ward, Stacey Smith, Rebecca Wisnoski, Robert Wisnoski, Tere Phelps, Neil and Mildred Rosenberg and Marie Tomkivits. And be sure and pray for all the people in and around our community who are suffering from cancer and other diseases and for those who have lost loved ones.

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