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Dancing before the president

July 10, 2019 - 00:00
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    Whitehall News Georgia Molitor

    I hope that each of you had a wonderful July Fourth celebration.

    Once again, I missed a birthday for one of our community members. Cindy Large had her birthday the same day as Chief Vickers, June 29. Now I have them on my calendar. Here is my wish for a happy belated birthday, Cindy.

    Whoa, hotel Gingi was over capacity with four grandchildren in and out last week. We worked hard one day to trim trees, weed eat and pick up limbs. This is a great start for yet more work that needs to be done. We had a few mini scares. Paige saw a snake and went high tailing through the yard (I don’t blame her) and Bree was practicing steering (not mowing yet) on the Bad Boy as Paige was driving the old golf cart when they nearly collided. Even though both girls are not blonde, they act blonde.

    Monopoly, dominoes, canteen bingo and movies were all on the list of things to do.

    News from our one and only Polish King, King Mike:

    “Thursday, June 13, I attended the reception for Polish President, Andrzej Duda, and his wife, Agata, in Houston. He was here on official business in Washington, DC, Texas and California. Our dance group was fortunate to dance at the reception and able to personally meet the president and welcome him to Texas for his first time. He was excited to receive our gift of ‘silver spurs’ from our group. He is the second Polish president I have met including Lech Walesa in 1997. Even though security was very tight, it was well worth the experience. The following week our group performed in Bremond for the annual Polish Days celebration and was excited to have the consul general from Houston, Robert Rusiecki, ride with me in the Bremond parade. I saw many Anderson friends there also. Many thanks to Keith Rekieta and the Bremond VFD for allowing us to stay at their station Friday night.”

    The WHCVFD met Monday, July 1, for their monthly business meeting. They have many things going on and good plans for the future. Eighteen members were present. Chief indicated that we had 53 fire calls last year. The fire department always welcomes new members and the community can always use extra helpers.

    Our sick and homebound friends include Sue Kolojaco, Lawrence Lieder, Dorothy Mahaffey, Mary Bauer, Lillian Shim-shack, Albin Finke, Charles Waters, Rosa Finke, Leonard Serres, Lois Bell, Rickey Binford, Charles Wellman, John Lawrence, Margaret Finke, pastor Wayne Schumpe, Dianna Hemann Randermann and Alexander Hanna, grandson of Curtis and Darla Kolojaco. Please add them to your prayer list.

    Birthdays and Anniversaries:

    July 14 – Bryanna Surovik, Tony Hooks, Quade Stutts, Jonathan & Carla Gerke; Mandy Addicks, Matt Burzynski; July 16 – Spencer Ellis, Stanley Kettler, Addison Marie Lowrey, Shayanne McKown, Estelle White, Doug and Kodi Burdette, Milton and Wanda Schroeder; July 17 – D’Ann Binder; July 20 – Ryan Serres, Harley and Sherry Davis. Congratulations to each of you.

    Upcoming Calendar Events:

    July 11 – Whitehall Taxpayers Association quarterly mtg., 7:30 p.m. at community center;

    July 18 – Sonshine Sisters, 10 a.m. until?

    July 18 – Grimes County Veterans of Foreign Wars Post and Auxiliary monthly meeting.

    July 25 – Social Mixer with Chamber of Commerce at VFW Post.

    Don’t forget to call me if you have anything to add to my column. My number is 936.870.5284.