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Local man attacked by bees

July 26, 2019 - 10:00
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Richards News

As I think of all the times I tell my readers to be safe, I often reflect on vehicle accidents, drunk drivers and accidents that happen while vacationing in the summertime. Today’s news made accidents take on a whole new meaning.

Richards’ resident Danny Bailey was stung at least a thousand times by bees. Please be in prayer for him. He was sent home from the hospital and is trying to rest and take it easy. Danny who many of you know and love is active in the community with church, volunteer fire department and is a Mason. Danny enjoys working in his lawn, and while mowing last weekend, he came too close to a hive and was attacked by bees. He managed to crawl back to his house covered in bees, to call for help.

In a recent column, I wrote of a dangerous curve in Richards. Once again, another accident occurred on that curve. A truck missed the curve and crashed into Mussleman’s Barbecue, a business they have been working hard to complete. This is not the first time this building has been hit. Please be careful when going around this sharp curve and please control your speed.

Last Sunday coming back from church, I came upon a motorcycle accident on FM 149 and Highway 1791. This is another location with frequent accidents. There were many people at the scene. According to social media reports later, there weren’t any serious injuries.

Today I went for my weekly strength training with John McDonald in Roans Prairie at the community center. A fire truck passed me, and I continued to the training. Afterward I came by and got my weekly snow-cone. While at the snow-cone place, I looked up and saw the fire truck blocking the road to Anderson next to Moriarty Bros. It was another accident. Our county is growing and there is an influx in vehicles. Please be careful.

Bays Chapel United Methodist Church is hosting a barbecue fundraiser, Aug. 3, in honor of Mrs. Jane Lemmons and her love for Music. The church is located at 24263 Bays Chapel Road, in Richards. This event will begin at 11 a.m., and plates are $8. Everyone is invited.

Come shop or sale. Richards PTO and Athletic Booster Club is hosting Panther Trade Day Aug. 17, from 8 a.m. until 2 p.m. You can rent a parking spot for $25 to sell your items. They are also taking donations. Drop off dates are every Thursday until the event. For more information contact Joy Boyce, jboyce@ richardsisd,net or Mandi Wrobleski,

It’s a boy! Jenna and James Blair welcome are proud parents to a healthy 8-pound 5-ounce son named James Elcaney Blair V, (nickname Quint). Mom and baby are both doing fine. The baby was welcomed home by siblings Mattie, Cotton and Gracie.

Send news to or 936-851-2585.