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Iola Food Pantry open Aug. 19

August 16, 2023 - 00:00
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It’s time for Iola and Keith students to return to school. They go back Aug. 16. Wonder who will be happiest, the children or the parents.

Evergreen Baptist Church will start having a meal again before Wednesday services. On Wednesday, Aug. 23, the church will have a back-toschool bash from 6-30-8 p.m. There will be fun for the entire family. The church will provide two tacos or a quesadilla, drinks and a Kona shaved ice to everyone. You may bring money to purchase additional items. Hopefully this will be a fun time for everyone. Make plans to attend.

Iola Food Pantry distribution of food is Saturday, Aug. 19, at the Iola Missionary Baptist Church Fellowship Hall beginning at 9 a.m. All those in need of a helping hand are invited to come out. The day before, around noon, preparation for the pantry will begin. Any assistance is always appreciated. Come out and assist all that are in need of help.

A good number of members and visitors attended the monthly meeting of Orphans Friend Masonic Lodge No 17. The meal was enjoyed by all. Following the meal was the lodge meeting. The lodge has new furniture. New stations for the worshipful master and senior and junior wardens are attractive. So is the altar. A special presentation was held for Jimmie Noel “Jim” Westmoreland. He was presented his 5-year award from the Grand Lodge of Texas. The lodge also announced a barbecue fundraiser in September at Circle Star gun store on Texas 90 in Anderson. I will share more details later.

Keith Civic Club will meet Thursday, Aug. 24, at Keith Community Center. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. with a covered dish meal. The business meeting will follow. All members are expected, and visitors are always welcome. Come out and have a good time with your friends and neighbors.

Happy birthday this week to the following: Aug. 13 – Riley Davidson, Shawn Stewart, Sandra Kay Jarvis Norman, Stephen Crenshaw; Aug. 14 Adam Butts, Ryan Dwane Kelly; Aug. 15 – Lynn Ethel Trant Shaw, Mark Cunningham; Aug. 16 – John Ray Maxwell, Terri Simmons, Chace High, John Curtis Stewart Jr., Rufus McBride; Aug. 17 – Ethan Earl Brown, Susan Weaver Zanella, Kathy Dirickson; Aug. 18 – Paula Kay Davis Fisher, Judy Dudley Lambright, Autry Burns; Aug. 19 – Daniel Rios 3rd, Gene Inmon. Do hope your special day was a happy one.

Happy anniversary this week to Tim and Catherine Carson, married Aug. 16, 2003; Allen and Tammy Cole Sanford, married Aug. 19, 1989. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.