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Evergreen Baptist has record attendance

December 01, 2021 - 00:00
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There was record attendance at Evergreen Baptist Church Sunday morning, Nov. 21. There were 125 people present. The church had a wonderful service. The church youth sang, and Ava Reynolds was baptized. The pastor of the church brought a wonderful message as well. Following the service there was a Thanksgiving meal that was enjoyed by all. There were several that took home food for a meal to be enjoyed later. I was one of those. The turkey, ham, dressing, desserts and more were good.

Iola Food Pantry had a good day with 81 people or families that came for the abundance of food that was available for the Thanksgiving season. There was turkey and other meat donated by the Keown Foundation as well as canned goods. Thanks to all who assisted in any way.

Area residents were sorry to learn of the death of Michael Bosquez that passed away suddenly Monday, Nov. 15. There was a private burial for the family the following day, Tuesday, Nov. 16, in the Lake Grove Cemetery. Many of the Woods family are buried there. Do remember his wife Karen Woods Bosquez and their loved ones in your prayers. At one time they owned several Iola businesses.

The membership of Evergreen Baptist Church will have their Christmas program Sunday, Dec. 12. Anyone attending please bring your favorite sandwiches, chips, dips and desserts for a meal afterwards.

The monthly meeting of the Iola North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star No 458 was held at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge in North Zulch on Monday, Nov. 22, with a good number in attendance. The meeting began with a covered dish meal that was enjoyed by all. The business meeting followed where they voted to donate $100 to the Iola Food Pantry. They were also reminded the next meeting will be Friday, Dec. 10, beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a covered dish meal. The meal will be followed by a meeting and Christmas party. Anyone that wishes may bring a Christmas gift valued at $15.

The two local Masonic Lodges will have their lodge meetings as follows. The Orphans Friend Masonic Lodge will meet at their lodge hall in Anderson Monday, Dec. 6. The Bedias Masonic Lodge will meet Tuesday, Dec. 7, at their lodge hall. Both meetings will begin with a covered dish meal at 6:30 p.m. All masons are invited to attend.

Happy birthday this week to the following: Nov. 28 – Frankie David Kolbasinski, Cody Ozbolt; Nov. 29 – Kendra England, Jaret Kittrell Jones, Javin Achillis Brant Crenshaw, Ryan Thielen, Lilly Crow; Nov. 30 – Glenn Wade Duke, Rebecca Trant, Sherina Stanford; Dec. 1 – Lee Ann McCleney, Vanessa Mora; Dec. 2 – Jerry Reed Carson Oliver Hicks, Laurie Rucker; Dec. 3 – Patricia Moran; Adele Davis Wright.

Happy anniversary this week to: Bradley William and Morgan Leigh Trant Prihoda, married Dec. 1, 2007; Mike and Robin Trant Johnson, married Dec. 4, 1993. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.