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Retirement party for Rebecca Duff

July 31, 2019 - 00:00
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Keith News

The Orphan’s Friend Masonic Lodge No. 17 will have their monthly meeting at their lodge hall in Anderson, Monday, Aug. 5, beginning with a covered dish meal at 6 p.m. Their meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. All Masons are invited to attend.

Tuesday, Aug. 6, the Bedias Masonic Lodge No. 651 will have their monthly meeting beginning with a covered dish meal at 6:30 p.m. The business meeting is slated for 7:30 p.m. All Masons are invited to attend.

Area residents were saddened to learn of the death of Earl William Druckhammer who died Sunday, July 14, at age 89. His funeral was held at the Bedias Baptist Church Saturday, July 20, and his burial was at the Bedias Baptist Cemetery. He was preceded in death by his wife Annie Lou and son David Allen. They are all buried at the same cemetery. He was also the brother of Rosy Lee Burns who has been deceased for several years. He is survived by his sister Leon Burns. Please remember his family in your prayers.

The monthly meeting of the Iola-North Zulch Order of the Eastern Star was held Monday, July 22, at the Pyramid Masonic Lodge No. 593 in North Zulch. Quite a few members attended and the covered dish meal was enjoyed by everyone. A business meeting followed with several items discussed and acted on.

Area residents were sorry to learn of an accident on Highway 90 near the FM 244 intersection. A pickup ran into the back of an 18-wheeler Thursday, July 18. The driver of the truck was taken to an area hospital where he later died. His name was Daryl Brooks from Mexia. Remember his family in your prayers.

A retirement party was held for Rebecca Duff July 24 at the annex building in Anderson, honoring 29 years of service to Grimes County as the Elections Administrator and Voter Registrar. Many people from all over the county came out to wish her well. Punch and cupcakes were served. She did a wonderful job during her years of service and will certainly be missed. She has been training her replacement and I am sure the new lady will do a wonderful job as well. May she enjoy her retirement.

I am happy to report the new principal of Iola High School is Brian Fowler and the new football coach is Kerry Bamburg. It certainly is good to have both of them.

Happy birthday this week to: July 27- Jayme Timm, Jodi Cassle, Ronald Ray Walker, Brandon Paul Wright; July 28- Gerald Hulon Beene, Kelly Lauren Werner; July 29- Laura Patterson, Billy Patterson, William Travis Stewart; July 30- Wendell “Wendy” Skaugstod Brown, William R. Gambele III; July 31- Eric “Frog” Compian,; Aug. 1- Janice Allen Trant; Aug. 2- Beck Ruen; Aug. 3-Marilu Richards McDonald, Jean Biggs, Aaron Rosson and Gary Martin;

Happy belated birthday to Tammy Williams who celebrated July 24.

Happy anniversary this week to James Ray and Cynthia Lewis Trant, married July 30, 1977; Rev. Eugene and Ruth Ferguson Richards, July 29, 1966; Jeff and Kris Ann Lavender Everett, Aug. 2, 1997. Join me in wishing them many more years of happiness together.

If you have any Keith news, call either my cell phone at 936-870-6094 or my house number at 936-394-8273.