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Jesus is the reason for the season

December 25, 2019 - 09:00
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    Plantersville News


    I’d like to wish everyone merry Christmas. Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season.


    I have a question and a complaint. Why do people throw their trash on our roads, highways and in our communities? The BlackBerry Community has trash thrown throughout. My husband and I picked up 10 bags of trash during a two-day span. There is more trash on our roads now than there has ever been. My mom always said leave the area as you find it or better than you found it. When I traveled to Israel there was trash everywhere and the trash didn’t seem to phase the people as if it was normal. People don’t take pride in their community anymore. Who is willing to help clean up our community? Thanks in advance.


    So many young ladies are being trafficked across the country and Houston is No. 1 in this terrible crime. Connecting Point Church is hosting a free human trafficking forum Monday, Jan. 20, from 6:30 p.m. till 8:30 p.m. The event is hosted by Sexual Assault Resource Center. For more information call 979-731-1000, or email


    Veterans needing flu shots can get a free flu vaccine at Walgreens until March 31, 2020. To receive the free vaccine, veterans need to have their Veterans Health ID card and have one other form of ID.


    Charm and Sewing 4-H Club


    • A gender-neutral pajama drive is being held through Jan. 26. Contact Zaevion McDonald, 936-355-4667 for more information.
    • Annual blanket, quilt and afghans drive through. Donate new or gently used afghans or blankets through Jan. 26, 2020. Contact Chyna Warren, 936-219-0619 or Freda Warren, 936-825-3850 for more information. 


    Plantersville Kountry Kickers 4-H Club meets on the second Sunday each month. Contact Sandra Kuta, for more information.


    The Place of Grace on CR 313 in the BlackBerry Community is having Bible study Thursday nights at 7 p.m. instead of Friday mornings. Please come out and be a part of God’s work. Contact Ron and Diane Taylor, 281-380-8696 0r 281-382-5594 for more information.


    There will be a Food Show and Challenge Workshop for Grimes County 4-H Dec. 21.


    The V.G. Young Institute School for County Commissioners Court will be held Feb. 11-13 in College Station at the Hilton Hotel and Conference Center, 801 University Drive East. Call 979-693-7500 for more information.


    Brenham is hosting a Texas Trade Market Saturday, Feb. 8, from 11 a.m. till 4 p.m. at the Washington County Fairgrounds. For more information visit


    Send news to or call me at 936-894-2094. Thanks in advance.