This is a follow-up to two previous articles I wrote recently about extreme on-the-spot giving. In the first article I told the tale of the time when a customer at my hot dog cart walked up to me, told me that I was blessed, and handed me a twenty-dollar bill.
Read moreI have a plan to cut crime by 1/12 or more, and it is simple and do-able. As background, recently I was watching ID TV and was disgusted at a murder that took place in December. The victim was a beautiful young lady from Texas that had moved to New York City. Big mistake, but too late now.
Read moreHow do you know when it’s time to quit? Quit what, you ask. Quit anything…a job, a relationship, a volunteer activity. A man I once dated used to say, “You quit when it stops being fun.” Just so you all know how that relationship went, it stopped being fun for ME before it stopped being fun for him!
Read moreFunny thing about presidential elections starting from when I was of age to vote. In nearly every Presidential race, my chosen candidate has not won. I just have a penchant for backing the longshot (which extends to my outings at the racetrack as well) which, like at the track, means that my candidate rarely wins. I’m okay with that; at least I made the effort to vote!
Read moreOnce again, this column will be a little out of the ordinary. I have been contacted by the H.E.A.R.T.S. museum in Huntsville, Texas with an announcement that I believe we can ALL get behind.
Read moreFriends, acquaintances, and fellow citizens there is something weird going on in our fair city. Something very weird, but in a very compassionate way. A few weeks back I wrote an article titled “The Day I Was Blessed.”
Read moreThere are those who subscribe to the theory of “moderation in all things.” That probably stems from Aristotle’s theory that every positive virtue has the potential for two negative virtues on either extreme. A common example would be courage. Courage is a positive virtue. But if you have too much courage, that makes you reckless. But not enough courage makes you a coward. So then, moderation is the key.
Read moreOne of my junior high neighborhood friends came to mind recently. Her name was Christine and she was someone I could have been really envious of. In fact, I was a little bit, but our relationship wasn’t built around material things, it was about being girlfriends in the late 1950s. So, just what did Christine have that I didn’t have?
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